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Louise Brace

Transfer Tax in Andalucía Reduced to 7%!

The Andalusian government has approved a decree that sets out a reduction in the Transfer Tax paid when you buy a second-hand home (resale) in the region of Andalucía. The previous rates set in 2020 were: 8% (properties up to 400,000 €). 9% (properties between 400,000 and 700,000 €). 10% (properties over 700,000 €). These Transfer…

Semana Santa in Spain

Easter or Holy Week in Spain is possibly the most important festival of the year. Every village, town and city – large or small is completely transformed and locals celebrate with great fervour and passion. The organisation of Semana Santa starts many months before the event, with local brotherhoods (cofradías) organising the floats that will…

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