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CB Villa Villamartin (Alicante) 170m2

  /  CB Villa Villamartin (Alicante) 170m2

CB Villa Villamartin (Alicante) 170m2

Property size: 170
Structure: 3 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: EAC1000028
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 3
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 2
Property size icon Property size: 170
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Property year built icon Year Built:
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Full Address: Villamartin (Alicante)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

This new and fabulous development of Independent Villas built on one level and only 5 minute trip would take you to any of the 3 golf courses or to the fabulous shopping center ”La Zenia Boulevard”. The villas have fabulous views of the park and the distant coast. The property consists of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, one of them with bathroom en suite, a spacious living / dining room with high ceilings and an open plan kitchen. The patio doors in the living room lead to a large shaded outdoor terrace that then leads to the pool area. An external staircase leads to a large private solarium that benefits from sunlight and sea views throughout the day. We also offer a finished basement option with 2 or 3 additional bedrooms, 2 bath and storage for a extra 68,000€.


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