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CB Villa Murcia (Murcia) 155m2

  /  CB Villa Murcia (Murcia) 155m2

CB Villa Murcia (Murcia) 155m2

Property size: 155
Structure: 3 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: TFSHO1386
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 3
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 2
Property size icon Property size: 155
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Property year built icon Year Built:
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Property distance from center icon From center:
Property publication date Publication date:
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Full Address: Murcia (Murcia)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

Incredible 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, Balance villas. Designed to ensure a natural way of living. Surrounded by large green zones, giving you direct access to the mountain trails behind & can be peacefully enjoyed from the spacious, sunny, south facing garden & terraces with endless views over the golf resort, lakes & distant countryside.
Thanks to its large glass windows, the views can also be enjoyed throughout the property. In addition, the landscaped garden can be accessed from various rooms. Living here really creates an open, fresh, & energetic environment, guaranteed to keep you balanced!
Standing in your garden gives you a mountain-top sensation, whilst still providing complete privacy. The homes have been built with nature in mind, with the partial natural stone walls giving it a distinctive & warm character that helps them blend in with the mountainous area behind.
Due to the L-shaped design, the home offers not just a practical distribution but also maximum privacy from your neighbours. In addition, all rooms & areas have been carefully designed to ensure maximum comfort & a logical flow. A home that simply makes sense & provides the perfect place to live naturally.
The property also provides plenty of outdoor space with a private swimming pool, private gardens & terraced areas to enjoy the summer sun.
The development, consisting of 90 villas, is located in Altaona resort which has a manned entrance, 24-hour security & offers cleaning services. A place where children can safely play outside without any worries.
These unique villas provide an option for an XL version where you gain an extra 39.5m2 living space, 47m2 build space & an amplified bedroom of 35.8m2.
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