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CB Villa Manilva (Málaga) 184m2

  /  CB Villa Manilva (Málaga) 184m2

CB Villa Manilva (Málaga) 184m2

Property size: 184
Structure: 4 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: 273.105067
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 4
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 3
Property size icon Property size: 184
Property floor icon Floor:
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Property year built icon Year Built:
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Property ceiling height icon Ceiling height:
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Property distance from center icon From center:
Property publication date Publication date:
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Property garages size icon Garages size:
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Full Address: Manilva (Málaga)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

New Project of 27 villas, 500m away from, the beach and 200m away from the shopping center. An urbanization of Luxury Villas, with a view to a real life, full of possibilities to develop a full life in terms of:Privacy, to live a full life; and individual and family enjoyment, in an exclusive environment.Socialization, with the opportunity to meet new people and receive guests, in an ideal environment to connect. The possibilities are endless.A privileged environment, very close to the sea.The ideal climate for the development of multiple outdoor activities. Large number of sunny days to make the most of your free time.Well-being, by breathing, in all senses.Closeness to points of interest: the city, the main services, sites of tourist interest, marina, golf courses, etc.Phase 1: 11 properties/ plots ( 6 SOLD ALREADY )Phase 2: 16 properties/ plots Those wonderful 11 villas with 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms with a large private pool terrace, not to mention the short distance to the commercial center, where you can find restaurants, bars, supermarkets….. etc.

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