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CB Villa Los Montesinos (Alicante) 155m2

  /  CB Villa Los Montesinos (Alicante) 155m2

CB Villa Los Montesinos (Alicante) 155m2

Property size: 155
Structure: 4 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: TFSHO1153
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 4
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 3
Property size icon Property size: 155
Property floor icon Floor:
Property total floors icon Total floors:
Property year built icon Year Built:
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Property ceiling height icon Ceiling height:
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Property distance from center icon From center:
Property publication date Publication date:
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Property garages icon Garages:
Property garages size icon Garages size:
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Full Address: Los Montesinos (Alicante)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

Discover Dinant design villas in one of the most exclusive places on the Costa Blanca. With spectacular views over the Finca golf Resort, these modern properties with Mediterranean touches with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, take you to a privileged corner where you can enjoy the nice weather in more than 150 square meters and more than 80m2 in its basement.
Dinant Villas highlight for the use of the best qualities and a huge garden that allows us to enjoy an absolute privacy and a dreamy private pool that will make every moment an unforgettable memory. The property is protected with an alarm system totally fitted that includes: sensors, touch panel, alarm centre and siren Also has an armoured main entrance security door. It is included an advanced domotic system to manage different devices at your home. Prices from 595,000 euros.

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