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CB Villa La Romana (Alicante) 156m2

  /  CB Villa La Romana (Alicante) 156m2

CB Villa La Romana (Alicante) 156m2

Property size: 156
Structure: 3 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: 135.9076
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 3
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 2
Property size icon Property size: 156
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Full Address: La Romana (Alicante)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

This is large detached villa set on an elevated position offering stunnig views all around. The pine covered mountains are a dramatic backdrop to this new villa of 156m2 set on 10,780m2 of land.The property is finished to a very high standard and offers a large open plan kitchen and dining room with patio doors onto the covered porch – the porch will be closed off with balustraads or railings (buyers choice). There is also a seperate larder and utility room. The large lounge has a fireplace and the entire house is pre-installed for central heating. There are 3 large bedrooms and two bathrooms (one ensuite). An underbuild offers plenty of storage or potential for a workshop or garage.The property has mains water and electric and all the legal paperwork is in order. The property must be seen to really appreciate the views and setting.

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