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CB Villa Estepona (Málaga) 452m2

  /  CB Villa Estepona (Málaga) 452m2

CB Villa Estepona (Málaga) 452m2

Property size: 452
Structure: 4 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: 273.104723
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 4
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 4
Property size icon Property size: 452
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Full Address: Estepona (Málaga)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

New development consisting of 7 contemporary luxury villas with sea views in an exceptional location, in one of the best golf courses on the Costa del Sol just 5 minutes from Estepona, with its beautiful beaches, marina, shops and leisure.Due to it?s privileged position, this promotion has spectacular views of the Mediterranean, the golf course and one of the mountains. An idyllic place to live and enjoy the valley?s nature from the comfort of your own home.Carefully created for a comfortable lifestyle these villas offer 4 and 5 bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms, large windows to take advantage of natural light and are built with high quality materials, complying with all current regulations and designed with all the latest trends.Also characterized by being located next to the beautiful white sand beaches, considered among the best on the Costa del Sol and recognized for the cleanliness and quality of its waters, awarded with the blue flag by the European Union. Estepona also has a beautiful fishing and sports marina with shops and numerous restaurants with the best Mediterranean cuisine.

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