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CB Townhouse Freila (Granada) 140m2

  /  CB Townhouse Freila (Granada) 140m2

CB Townhouse Freila (Granada) 140m2

Property size: 140
Structure: 6 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: TFSLP11.104
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 6
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 2
Property size icon Property size: 140
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Property year built icon Year Built:
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Property distance from center icon From center:
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Full Address: Freila (Granada)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

This very bright and spacious property is situated in a busy Spanish village Freila in the Granada province. the property has 3 bedrooms on the ground level and on the upper level there are a further 3 rooms that can be used as bedrooms.
On entering the property you have a large open entrance hall that has one of the bedrooms off to the right which is currently used as a reading room, to the left you have the family room that then leads off to 2 further bedrooms one being the master with an en-suit. back in the enterance hall you can access the kitchen which has fitted units and appliances. to access the upper level you have to go out into the rear court yard and up the stairs this leads to a further 3 rooms that at present are used as storage but can be a further 3 bedrooms one room leads out onto the upper terrace. outside the property you have a garage space and an outside utility area.

Freila is a municipality located in the province of Granada, Spain, the city has a population of 1039 inhabitants

Freila Playa Lake Negratin is very close by and Very nice swimming/inland beach spot. The water is clean and warm in the summer. There is a restaurant and ice cream booth close by if you need a snack or spot of lunch. Pedalos can be hired from the ice cream booth.

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