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CB Townhouse Alhaurín de la Torre (Málaga) 104m2

  /  CB Townhouse Alhaurín de la Torre (Málaga) 104m2

CB Townhouse Alhaurín de la Torre (Málaga) 104m2

Property size: 104
Structure: 3 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: 273.104592
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 3
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 2
Property size icon Property size: 104
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Property year built icon Year Built:
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Full Address: Alhaurín de la Torre (Málaga)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

Finca Peralta Prado and Finca Peralta Sierra, are located in the already consolidated Urbanization Finca Peralta consisting of 17 semi-detached single-family homes and 10 semi-detached single-family homes respectively. Distributed in 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a toilet.When designing, we think about design, quality of life and comfort. Each house within has its own identity and personality, adapted to the needs of the new owner, here you will find created spaces that invite well-being and comfort for you and the people who share your life.The exteriors of the promotion will have a communal pool and garden areas that invite you to rest; as well as surrounded by views of the countryside and close to sports facilities.The interiors stand out for being bright and spacious, we will find equipped kitchens open to the living room, a large basement, delivered finished together with the house and with natural light, furnished bathrooms and comfortable bedrooms designed for you and the needs of your family.

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