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CB Land Sax (Alicante) 6700m2

  /  CB Land Sax (Alicante) 6700m2

CB Land Sax (Alicante) 6700m2

Property size: 6700
Structure: 0 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: 135.16007
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 0
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 0
Property size icon Property size: 6700
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Property year built icon Year Built:
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Full Address: Sax (Alicante)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

We have to sell this land, close to the town of Sax, 2 km from the city.A field with a path to both sides. One paved and one ground.It has irrigation and tap water. Point of light to high.It consists of 106 olive of 22 years, in full production. Also, 3 figs and several fruit trees.We are specialists in the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida specialising in the Alicante and Murcia Inland regions with a particular emphasis on Elda, Pinoso, Aspe, Elche and surrounding areas. We are an established, well known and trusted company that has built a solid reputation amongst buyers and sellers since we began trading in 2004. We offer a complete service with no hidden charges or surprises, starting with sourcing the property, right through to completion, and an unrivalled after sales service which includes property management, building services, and general help and advice to make your new house a home. With a portfolio of well over 1400 properties for sale, we are confident that we can help, so just let us know your preferred property, budget and location, and we will do the rest.

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