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CB Land Calypso (Málaga) 40m2

  /  CB Land Calypso (Málaga) 40m2

CB Land Calypso (Málaga) 40m2

Property size: 40
Structure: 0 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: 256.54943
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 0
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 0
Property size icon Property size: 40
Property floor icon Floor:
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Property year built icon Year Built:
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Full Address: Calypso (Málaga)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

Wonderful plot near the beach in urbanization with villas, is located in Calahonda.Flat completely, there was a villa that has collapsed to build.This beautiful plot is south facing with sea views from the 2nd floor of the Villa, and to the west there is a large green area.It has a building license and even a project for a Modern villa (not included in the price).It has a small handicap that is a high voltage tower, fortunately this problem can be solved easily since the owners have already complained and the procedure was already solved, it only has a cost of ? 6,000 (You have to go complain to the Town Hall and electric company).

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