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CB Apartment Torre Pacheco (Murcia) 70m2

  /  CB Apartment Torre Pacheco (Murcia) 70m2

CB Apartment Torre Pacheco (Murcia) 70m2

Property size: 70
Structure: 2 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: INCHO256P
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 2
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 1
Property size icon Property size: 70
Property floor icon Floor:
Property total floors icon Total floors:
Property year built icon Year Built:
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Property ceiling height icon Ceiling height:
Property parking icon Parking:
Property distance from center icon From center:
Property publication date Publication date:
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Property garages icon Garages:
Property garages size icon Garages size:
Property additional space icon Additional space:
Full Address: Torre Pacheco (Murcia)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

Exceptional first floor apartment available with 2 bedrooms and 1 family bathroom, a fully fitted separate kitchen with utility room, living /dining area and a south facing chill-out terrace with great views of the communal gardens and swimming pool. The property has been furnished to a high standard and has central heating throughout. Theres lift access direct to the garage. La Torre Golf Resort is a 18 hole golf course surrounded by beautiful countryside. It has a 3 star hotel, professional football camp, shops, supermarkets, a british private school, the Murcia International airport is just 15 minutes away. Do not miss this opportunity book a viewing today!!

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