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CB Apartment Nueva Andalucía (Málaga) 0m2

  /  CB Apartment Nueva Andalucía (Málaga) 0m2

CB Apartment Nueva Andalucía (Málaga) 0m2

Property size: 0
Structure: 2 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: 256.134032
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 2
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 2
Property size icon Property size: 0
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Full Address: Nueva Andalucía (Málaga)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

Brand new stunning apartment with private pool, sea and valley views in Nueva AndaluciaLa Morelia is currently the newest modern complex in Nueva Andalucia. It is a private small exclusive community with only 18 units. There is concierge service 24hrs and two communal swimming pools plus garden area.This particular unit boasts a fantastic large terrace of 51, m2 ( closed) and 14 m2 ( open) A lovely private swimming pool of 10,75m2, fitted wardrobes, garage and storage.The apartment has got extra features such as underfloor heating throughout, filter water for the main entry water and drinking water. Spot lights in all rooms plus curtain led strip.Siemens kitchen appliances. Internet and alarm system installed. ( extra security locks on windows and doors)This large modern brand new apartment is a MUST SEE.

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