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CB Apartment Marbella centre (Málaga) 203m2

  /  CB Apartment Marbella centre (Málaga) 203m2

CB Apartment Marbella centre (Málaga) 203m2

Property size: 203
Structure: 4 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: 273.104696
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 4
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 3
Property size icon Property size: 203
Property floor icon Floor:
Property total floors icon Total floors:
Property year built icon Year Built:
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Property ceiling height icon Ceiling height:
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Property distance from center icon From center:
Property publication date Publication date:
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Property garages icon Garages:
Property garages size icon Garages size:
Property additional space icon Additional space:
Full Address: Marbella centre (Málaga)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

Set on a spectacular plot of 120,000m2 and completely surrounded by Santa Clara?s Golf course, this project is one of the very few master plan developments in Marbella, providing buyers with an extensive choice of different property types including individual townhouses and villas, as well as apartments & penthouses.This secure gated community is divided into 5 phases and will have a total of 200 luxury properties all enjoying a host of 5-star resort facilities including a central pool boasting an impressive total of 30m of waters' edge, fully equipped gym with top of the range equipment, indoor pool and spa, onsite cafe-bar, co-working area and a host of concierge services.

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