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CB Apartment La Cala de Mijas (Málaga) 79m2

  /  CB Apartment La Cala de Mijas (Málaga) 79m2

CB Apartment La Cala de Mijas (Málaga) 79m2

Property size: 79
Structure: 2 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: 273.104489
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 2
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 0
Property size icon Property size: 79
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Full Address: La Cala de Mijas (Málaga)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

Fantastic and luxury new development with sea and golf views located in La Cala Golf Resort, Mijas on only 77 luxury apartments, distributed across a vast 17,200m2 resort. Blending contemporary architectural style, cutting edge interior layouts, indulgent well-ness facilities and direct connections to nature there is no better place to call home. There are fantastic leisure, social and golf facilities which can be enjoyed directly with the neighbouring Calanova Golf Club. Residents will become an integral part of this privileged local community thanks to the first-line position of both the field and the excellent clubhouse.It offers elevated living standards for its residents, enveloped by nature and finished with excellence. Enjoying panoramic sea views, unparalleled golf views and sensational features both inside and out, the homes gift you with contentment and well-being in every aspect of your life.The close contact with nature, white-sandy beaches and endless summer days puts this fantastic development in an extremely privileged location. We offer you stunning contemporary homes with spacious open plan formats and meticulously designed Scandinavian interiors, where you can reside all year round enjoying the Mediterranean way of life.

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