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CB Apartment Fuengirola (Málaga) 79m2

  /  CB Apartment Fuengirola (Málaga) 79m2

CB Apartment Fuengirola (Málaga) 79m2

Property size: 79
Structure: 2 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: 273.203783
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 2
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 2
Property size icon Property size: 79
Property floor icon Floor:
Property total floors icon Total floors:
Property year built icon Year Built:
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Property accommodation icon Accommodation:
Property ceiling height icon Ceiling height:
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Property distance from center icon From center:
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Property garages icon Garages:
Property garages size icon Garages size:
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Full Address: Fuengirola (Málaga)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

Very ambitious residential project, conceived to meet the expectations of all owners, where every detail has been taken care of to make you fall in love with your home every day.A set of great ideas and a lot of work that makes it the perfect place, integrating community areas and vegetation where outdoor areas flow seamlessly between homes.Where each phase will be a closed area with security to offer you privacy and intimacy.

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