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CB Apartment Fuengirola (Málaga) 100m2

  /  CB Apartment Fuengirola (Málaga) 100m2

CB Apartment Fuengirola (Málaga) 100m2

Property size: 100
Structure: 2 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: 273.105304
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 2
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 0
Property size icon Property size: 100
Property floor icon Floor:
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Full Address: Fuengirola (Málaga)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

A high quality, innovative and sustainable residential community tucked into a gentle green slope that overlooks the Fuengirola coastline from a peaceful and secluded position. It is built around an exceptional quality of life where residents are encouraged to lead healthier lives with an outstanding range of wellness facilities and services. Beautifully styled contemporary apartments and sky villas, 21st century amenities, extensive green areas and a panoramic overview of the Mediterranean sea is what sets this development apart.Designed by world-renowned architects Broadway Malyan, the luxury 2, 3, 4 bed apartments and garden or sky villas offer eco-friendly credentials and timeless style. The first 76 units are distributed over three and four floor configurations, the properties are located in small, intimate buildings that combine privacy with a perfect orientation and blend harmoniously into the beautiful surroundings.Far more than just a property development, it is a master planned eco-friendly community with ?rst-class infrastructure and support services designed to offer a superior quality of life. The ?owing design of the development makes full use of the natural shape and gradient of the land, allowing for a high degree of privacy. In addition, apartments and sky villas are laid out in small, intimate blocks of 5 to 7 properties each and surrounded by carefully landscaped green areas to create a sense of peace and beauty around the homes. Inside, the apartments offer natural light, elegant detailing and modern open-plan sophistication.Designed by world-renowned architects Broadway Malyan, the luxury 2, 3, 4 bed apartments and garden or sky villas offer eco-friendly credentials and timeless style. The first 76 units are distributed over three and four floor configurations, the properties are located in small, intimate buildings that combine privacy with a perfect orientation and blend harmoniously into the beautiful surroundings.

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