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CB Apartment Fuengirola (Málaga) 0m2

  /  CB Apartment Fuengirola (Málaga) 0m2

CB Apartment Fuengirola (Málaga) 0m2

Property size: 0
Structure: 3 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: 256.197157
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 3
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 3
Property size icon Property size: 0
Property floor icon Floor:
Property total floors icon Total floors:
Property year built icon Year Built:
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Property ceiling height icon Ceiling height:
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Property distance from center icon From center:
Property publication date Publication date:
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Property garages icon Garages:
Property garages size icon Garages size:
Property additional space icon Additional space:
Full Address: Fuengirola (Málaga)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

EXCLUSIVE LISTING-Higueron West-Sales price including ?40.000,- furniture which must be paid seperatly by contract and payment to lawyer not included on the title deed.- dog park – children's park – >30% green areas – sports court area – spa – outdoor hot tubs – hair salon – retail on-site – free 1 year halthclub – beachclub – concierge services – electric rental cars and bikes – several resurants – bars – phone app for domotica – outdoor pots – security gates – two parking spaces – storage – state of the art systems – community vegetable garden –

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