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CB Apartment Casares Costa (Málaga) 101m2

  /  CB Apartment Casares Costa (Málaga) 101m2

CB Apartment Casares Costa (Málaga) 101m2

Property size: 101
Structure: 2 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: TFSHO1245
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 2
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 2
Property size icon Property size: 101
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Full Address: Casares Costa (Málaga)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

Designed in an avant-garde and contemporary style, these 2 bedroom 1st floor apartments have been conceived to enjoy open & bright spaces. The apartments have functional & modern distributions & excellent construction qualities focused on efficiency & energy saving & respectful with the environment. Large balconies are projected from which they enjoy beautiful views of the sea & the mountains.
The residential has electric elevators with automatic doors that will connect each floor of the building with the basement where the garages & storage rooms are located. The urbanization has spaces destined to house a social club & gym for the use a& enjoyment of the neighbours, a beautiful infinity pool with saline chlorination with amazing views of the sea. In addition, the project includes landscaped areas with pedestrian paths for the internal tour of the complex.
With a strategic location 250m from the beach, located in Camarata Golf, Casares Costa, in a gated residential community, which provides an important factor of privacy & security. The orientation, mainly to the south, gives the apartments adequate clarity.
Availability of first floor apartments with 2 bedrooms from 253,650 Euros & 3 bedrooms from 291,650 Euros, contact us for more information.

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