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CB Apartment Benalmádena (Málaga) 110m2

  /  CB Apartment Benalmádena (Málaga) 110m2

CB Apartment Benalmádena (Málaga) 110m2

Property size: 110
Structure: 3 sovrum
For Sale
Property ID: 273.102197
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 3
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 0
Property size icon Property size: 110
Property floor icon Floor:
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Property year built icon Year Built:
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Full Address: Benalmádena (Málaga)
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: Spain

Residential development made up of 90 homes with superior fittings and finishes, and cutting-edge design. Just 100 metres from the beach, the homes enjoy stunning views over the sea to the horizon from their terraces and spacious glass-walled areas. The homes range from 70 to 190 sqm in size and consist of 1, 2 and 3-bedroom apartments and penthouses whose modern construction uses clean minimalist lines and a layout open to the light and outdoors. Apartments with magnificent sea views, solarium, large terraces, parking and storerooms. A private urbanization with excellent communal areas.

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