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CB Apartment Málaga (Málaga) 154m2

  /  CB Apartment Málaga (Málaga) 154m2

CB Apartment Málaga (Málaga) 154m2

Tamaño de la propiedad: 154
Estructura: 3 Dormitorios
For Sale
ID de propiedad: 273.204252
Property bedroom icon Dormitorios: 3
Property bathroom icon Cuartos de baño: 0
Property size icon Tamaño de la propiedad: 154
Property floor icon Suelo:
Property total floors icon Pisos totales:
Property year built icon Año de construcción:
Property heating icon Calefacción:
Property accommodation icon Alojamiento:
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Property distance from center icon Desde el centro:
Property publication date Fecha de publicación:
Property area size icon Tamaño del área:
Property garages icon Garajes:
Property garages size icon Tamaño de los garajes:
Property additional space icon Espacio adicional:
Dirección completa: Málaga (Málaga)
Dirección simple:
Código postal:
País: Spain

The promotion has 71 luxury homes with 1 to 4 bedrooms. The project is part of the ?Málaga Towers? residential complex, a project made up of three towers over 80 meters high that will change the skyline of Malaga, located on the beachfront and designed by the prestigious Estudio Lamela.The project offers 5-star services, highlighting its infinity pool in the solarium, rooftop bar, heated pool, spa, gym, audiovisual room, playroom and infirmary.It is a unique project located in the area of greatest expansion in Malaga and a few minutes from the city center, airport and train station.Its location, qualities, sea views, services and design make Sierra Blanca Tower the perfect definition of true luxury.

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