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CB Apartment Estepona (Málaga) 102m2

  /  CB Apartment Estepona (Málaga) 102m2

CB Apartment Estepona (Málaga) 102m2

Tamaño de la propiedad: 102
Estructura: 2 Dormitorios
For Sale
ID de propiedad: 273.104643
Property bedroom icon Dormitorios: 2
Property bathroom icon Cuartos de baño: 2
Property size icon Tamaño de la propiedad: 102
Property floor icon Suelo:
Property total floors icon Pisos totales:
Property year built icon Año de construcción:
Property heating icon Calefacción:
Property accommodation icon Alojamiento:
Property ceiling height icon Altura del techo:
Property parking icon Estacionamiento:
Property distance from center icon Desde el centro:
Property publication date Fecha de publicación:
Property area size icon Tamaño del área:
Property garages icon Garajes:
Property garages size icon Tamaño de los garajes:
Property additional space icon Espacio adicional:
Dirección completa: Estepona (Málaga)
Dirección simple:
Código postal:
País: Spain

The promotion is characterized by its current style, bright and in line with nature due to the abundant vegetation. The residential has a renovating and fresh architectural design. The distribution of common areas ensures a truly pleasant life a few meters from the sea. The apartment blocks embrace the large central square through interior walks where there is an adult pool, one for children, two heated jacuzzis with interior lighting and a silver pool with more than 2,000 m2. The urbanization also has toilets of technological platform, natural grass, trees and diversity in gardening guaranteeing an impeccable aesthetic. Spacious 2 and 3 bedroom homes with 2 bathrooms, distributed in six blocks between 2 and 3 floors, have almost all the sea views. They are characterized by a modern design, with large open terraces from which you can enjoy a complete view of the common areas. Each home has included a parking space and a storage room located in the same block where the house is located.

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